Don Weden's video of Santa Clara County 3.0 published

Santa Clara County is entering a new era in its physical development, driven by major demographic, economic, environmental and geographic forces. It is becoming a more urban place.

Don Weden - Santa Clara County 3.0

Don Weden - Santa Clara County 3.0

Our population is projected to grow by about 300,000 people in just the next 15 years -- the equivalent of adding two more Sunnyvales. The vast majority of that growth will be accommodated within existing urban areas, bringing major changes, challenges, and opportunities.

In addition, 2/3 of that growth is projected to occur in the 65 and older age group, as the Baby Boomers age. By 2030, 1/4 of our adult population will be 65+ and our county's population will be the oldest it has ever been. That dramatic aging of our population will bring many challenges, including pressures for changes to our automobile-dependent land use patterns and the need for a wider array of housing and mobility choices.

Maintaining our quality of life, while adapting to these major changes will require responsible, visionary local land use planning — and community attitudes that support well-planned, appropriately-located, higher-density new development.

Join us as Don Weden, a former Santa Clara County principal planner for 34 years, shares his wisdom and insights in an informative, thought-provoking, and entertaining presentation about change, growth, and planning -- as we prepare for Santa Clara County, version 3.0.  

Retired Santa Clara County Planner gives an overview of where Santa Clara County has been and its direction for the future; what he calls version 3.0. This is a very important presentation for planners, policymakers and citizens to hear. Note, to jump to a specific segment embodied in the playlist either Click on the three […].